
Discover the Life-Changing Benefits of Dentures at Mount Annan Dental

Are you tired of hiding your smile due to missing teeth? Look no further than Mount Annan Dental. Dr Steven Krajewski and the team specialise in providing personalised denture solutions that will transform your oral health and restore your confidence.

Firstly, dentures are removable dental appliances that are custom-made to replace missing teeth and restore the functionality and aesthetics of your mouth. They’re typically made from a combination of acrylic resin and metal, ensuring durability and a natural appearance. Whether you’ve lost teeth due to decay, gum disease, or an unfortunate accident, dentures can help you regain the ability to chew, speak, and smile with ease.

At Mount Annan Dental, we offer different types of dentures to suit your unique needs. If you’re missing all of your natural teeth, complete dentures are the perfect choice. Conventional dentures are crafted after your teeth have been removed and your gum tissue has healed, ensuring a precise fit. This process may take a few weeks, but the end result is a set of dentures that fit comfortably and securely in your mouth. On the other hand, immediate dentures can be placed immediately after tooth extraction, allowing you to leave Mount Annan Dental with a complete smile. While immediate dentures offer the advantage of not having to go without teeth during the healing process, they may require more adjustments as your gums and jawbone heal and change shape.

If you still have some natural teeth remaining, partial dentures are an excellent option. These consist of replacement teeth attached to a gum-coloured plastic base, which is connected to a metal framework for stability and support. Partial dentures not only fill in the gaps left by missing teeth but also prevent the remaining natural teeth from shifting out of position.

The advantages of dentures are truly remarkable. Not only do they enhance your appearance by restoring a natural-looking smile, but they also boost your self-confidence. Imagine being able to laugh, speak, and socialise without feeling self-conscious about your missing teeth. Dentures also improve your ability to chew food effectively, ensuring that you can savour every bite and maintain a balanced diet. Additionally, they help support your facial muscles, preventing the sagging and sunken appearance that can occur when teeth are missing.

While dentures offer numerous benefits, it’s important to be aware of a few considerations. Initially, there may be an adjustment period as you get accustomed to wearing dentures. You might experience some discomfort or difficulty speaking and eating, but rest assured, these issues are temporary and can be overcome with practice. It’s crucial to maintain proper oral hygiene and clean your dentures regularly to prevent oral health issues such as gum disease and bad breath. Additionally, long-term denture wear can lead to bone loss in the jaw, which may affect the fit and stability of the dentures. Regular check-ups with Dr. Steven Krajewski will ensure that your dentures continue to fit comfortably and function optimally.

When it comes to getting dentures, trust the expertise of Mount Annan Dental. Our dedicated team is committed to providing personalised care and attention to ensure that your dentures are tailored to your specific needs. Dr. Steven Krajewski, with his wealth of experience and advanced techniques, will create dentures that not only restore your oral function but also enhance your natural beauty.

Don’t let missing teeth hold you back any longer. Visit Mount Annan Dental today and take the first step towards a confident smile and improved quality of life. Contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Steven Krajewski, the specialist you can trust for exceptional denture solutions.